Fa / Who
Darren & Lauren – Two Scots. One Camera. Zero Sense of Direction. If two clueless millennial’s from the North East of Scotland can quit their day jobs to live their day dream and travel the world, anyone can. Even better, we’ll show you how. Despite our adventures round the world, we will always remain down to earth and share “behind the scenes” from life on the road.
Fit / What
Coming from the North East of Scotland, we speak Doric. Far am a gan is Doric for “where am I going?” Whether you’re a travel novice or full time nomad, our posts share the entire journey – the good, the bad and the not-showered-for-three-days ugly. Supplying you will all the travel tips, budget advice and wanderlust inspiration you could possibly need.
Far / Where
So far we’ve survived 12 countries in Europe via bus, Lava hunting in Hawaii, a cyclone in Fiji, and a 5 week roadtrip in a campervan round New Zealand. I know, we can barely believe it either. We’ve even squeezed in employment in Australia, island hopping in The Philippines and bar hopping in Japan. Best of all, we’ve documented it all so you can too.
Fan / When
Fed up with the 9-6 for our two holidays a year, in October 2017 we quit our day jobs to live our day dream and travel full time. Are you waiting for that “one day” too? We’ll let you in on a little secret, there is no perfect time to go for it. From quitting your job, to booking the flight to your first pint in hand we share exactly how to do it & how much it’ll cost. Whether it’s a weekend citybreak or a working holiday visa our blog will help make it happen.